Mental Health Tips – Therapy For Postpartum Depression 

Being a parent is a transformative experience. Although it can be overwhelming and exhausting, it is exciting. It is also common to experience anxiety or uncertainty, particularly if you’re a first-time parent. On the other hand, you can be suffering from postpartum depression if you experience intense sadness or loneliness, a significant rapid drop in mood, and continual weeping episodes.



Mood shifts are common in women after giving birth. They appear pleased one minute and begin to cry the next. Even while the infant is asleep, they could have mild depression, difficulty focusing, hunger loss, or difficulty falling asleep. After delivery, these indications typically appear three to four days later and may linger for a few days. Thus, most new moms need as much rest as possible.

What Is Postpartum Depression?

A mental condition known as postpartum depression (PPD) strikes women after giving birth. It’s common for some women to experience the “baby blues” for several weeks following the delivery. Feelings of sadness, unworthiness, emptiness, anxiety, and depression persist for quite a while, then a couple of weeks in postpartum depression.

One may feel depressed, empty, and emotionless, and sometimes it results in mood swings, tiredness, and unhappiness. Postpartum depression mustn’t be taken lightly. Although it’s a severe condition, individuals can recover from it with the use of several appropriate treatment plans from local resources. It’s important for anyone suffering from postpartum depression to understand that they are not alone and that recovery is possible.

After giving birth, postpartum depression may linger for up to a year. One shouldn’t expect to feel “cured” after a year. Discussing the symptoms and course of cognitive behavioral therapy with a healthcare professional is essential. It would be best to tell the truth about the lingering feelings. Consider carefully whether one is capable of handling mental illness and emotional stress. After that, professional experts can suggest continuing therapy to address the problems.

What Signs Of Depression Following Childbirth?

Certain individuals believe they are bad parents for thinking and behaving the way they do or feel guilty about their symptoms. Mental health conditions such as depression following childbirth are very typical. It doesn’t make one a bad person; no one is alone in feeling this way. Take time to consider depression screening.

Some symptoms of postpartum depression include the following:

  • Feeling depressed, guilty, hopeless, or unworthy.
  • Having constant worries or being anxious.
  • A decline of interest in past interests or pastimes.
  • A shift in appetite or ceasing to eat.
  • A decrease in enthusiasm and energy.
  • Having difficulty falling asleep or always wanting to fall asleep.
  • Excessive or senseless crying.
  • Having trouble focusing or concentrating.
  • Suicidal thoughts or the desire to die.
  • Not being interested in your infant or experiencing anxiety in their presence.
  • Feelings of not wanting the child or the possibility of harming the infant.

How Can Postpartum Depression Be Classified?

Baby Blues

According to the diagnostic and statistical manual, 50% to 75% of women experience the baby blues after giving birth. One will often cry for extended periods without any apparent reason, and feelings of hopelessness and nervousness usually accompany this. Usually starting between one and four days after delivery, the mental disorders usually lasts for the initial week. For some, the health issue typically goes away on its own in two weeks despite the painful experience. Finding emotional support and asking friends, family members, or a significant other for assistance is the finest thing one experiencing postpartum depression can do.

Depression Following childbirth

About 1 in 7 new moms struggle with postpartum depression. It is a far more dangerous health problem than the baby blues. The risk rises to 30% with each pregnancy, especially if one has already had postpartum depression before. Along with emotions of resentment, worry, and helplessness to take care of oneself or the infant, new moms could also experience mood swings, constant weeping, impatience, and exhaustion. The signs and symptoms might develop progressively, potentially up to an entire year after delivery, and can range from moderate to severe. Psychotherapy and antidepressant medications are very successful treatments, even if symptoms can linger for several months.

Postpartum Psychosis

Urgent medical attention is necessary for postpartum psychosis. It is an extreme case of postpartum depression. Just 1 in 1,000 women will have this very uncommon illness after delivery. Usually starting shortly after giving birth, the indications are intense and persist from weeks through months. One can expect symptoms like severe anger, disorientation, major depression, guilt, fatigue, paranoia, insomnia, delusions, hallucinations, impulsiveness, fast speech, or manic episodes. Because postpartum psychosis influences an increased risk of suicide and injury to the unborn child, it needs to be treated medically immediately. Medication, psychotherapy, and hospitalization are typical forms of treatment.

What Are The Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression extends much beyond the “baby blues,” which many women refer to as feeling depressed, feeling empty and moody, or exhausted a few days following the delivery of their child. It can linger for weeks after giving birth. It might cause severe symptoms that make functioning difficult for these new moms.

Postpartum depression manifestation can vary from one person to another and even cause a very challenging daily life for someone dealing with health conditions. Although signs might appear at any point following labor, they usually begin one to three weeks after giving birth. One may feel estranged from their new baby if they suffer from postpartum depression. New moms can feel unloving toward their children and are not to blame for these emotions.

Treatments For Postpartum Depression

After having a baby, postpartum depression can occasionally go away on its own in three months. However, new moms should seek therapy if the condition interferes with their daily activities at any point or if “the blues” persist for more than two weeks. Medication or a combination of psychotherapy and drugs is a helpful treatment option for approximately ninety percent of women with postpartum depression. A support group could be beneficial as well.

In some instances, hospitalization might be required in situations involving severe postpartum depression or postpartum psychosis. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) can be utilized as well to treat chronic depression accompanied by overpowering suicidal thoughts, delusions (false beliefs), or hallucinations (false perceptions).

It is advisable to get health care as quickly as possible. The medical issue could deteriorate if it is discovered too late or not at all. Psychologists and other mental health experts have also discovered that an untreated mom’s postpartum disorder can have an impact on offspring. They might be more prone to frequent temper tantrums, instability, poor cognitive development, and sleep difficulties.

Experts from the National Institute of American Psychiatric Association and Disease Control suggest that during a crisis lifeline, interpersonal psychotherapy can help with the severe form of depression and even treat bipolar disorder in adult women. With the help of proper medical treatment, postpartum depression will likely improve month after month as new moms work toward recovery. Be advised that hormonal swings may cause the symptoms to worsen before the menstrual cycle. Thus, it would be best to regularly consider a medical checkup.



Medications For Postpartum Depression

Handling urgent PPD issues like changes in eating and sleeping patterns comes first in the treatment process. For this, antidepressants are typically quite helpful.

If new moms are nursing a baby, the healthcare provider will need to decide carefully which antidepressants to recommend for new mothers to take. Breast milk contains trace quantities of certain antidepressants that are produced. While there is discussion over whether or not some chemicals from the medication truly pose a risk, other prescriptions are more contentious when it comes to nursing due to worries that they could poison the unborn child.

Consult a healthcare professional or mental health provider to see if antidepressant medication is right for the treatment of postpartum depression. If new moms take an antidepressant, they will likely be told to gradually reduce it or keep taking it for a year or longer, depending on their signs and symptoms and medical history, to prevent a relapse.

All drugs have possible dangers. However, the majority of antidepressants don’t pose any significant risks to a growing fetus. However, it is vital to note that when taken early in pregnancy, certain antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Zoloft, Celexa, Prozac, and Paxil, have been linked to cardiac and cranial abnormalities. Therefore, new moms should be more careful with what drugs they take.

Psychotherapy And Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is usually treated with psychotherapy, sometimes known as talk therapy, either on its own or in combination with medications. A doctor can recommend a trained mental health specialist who treats postpartum depression.

A counselor will meet with new moms on a regular schedule for conversations. New parents must respond truthfully when medical professionals inquire about their lives. Anything they say won’t be investigated, and anything they discuss will remain private between them.

The counselor or therapist will teach new moms fresh viewpoints and ideas and how to break bad habits to improve their well-being. Women who suffer from postpartum depression typically receive one of two forms of therapy including:

Treatment Using Cognitive Behavior

New moms and mental health professional therapists pinpoint and then modify the ideas and actions detrimental to their mental well-being. 

Interpersonal Therapy

Your therapist assists in resolving issues and gaining a greater understanding of how new moms act in relationships with others.

Postpartum Depression Support Groups

If new moms experience PPD, support groups could be quite beneficial to help them. They might offer helpful advice and suggestions on how to deal with daily stressors. Because postpartum depression can be debilitating and lonesome, it’s critical to take care of oneself, connect with loved ones, and seek assistance when required.

Having supportive relationships has numerous real-world advantages, like knowing others who can give information, counsel, direction, and more concrete support during uncertain times. New moms may feel more secure and comforted by this aspect of social assistance. In-person therapy sessions offer special advantages to people looking for a secure setting in which to talk about their mental health. During these treatment sessions, one can speak candidly and honestly with their therapist or counselor while in a physically neutral setting.




Self-care encourages new moms to keep a positive relationship with themselves. Thus, at-home routines, including maintaining a good diet and eat healthy foods, doing moderate physical activity on a frequent schedule, doing meditation or yoga exercises, and taking walks outdoors, might help new moms feel better, especially when combined with conventional therapies like counseling or therapy. Taking the time to do things that enhance their quality of life and their physical and mental well-being is known as self-care. Self-care can improve mental health by assisting new moms with stress management, reducing their chance of ailments, and boosting their general well-being.

Researchers and experts have discovered that positive emotions can improve the capacity to handle stress, manage issues, think creatively, and even fight against illness. Living well with or without a psychological illness requires taking care of one’s body on a physical, emotional, and mental level.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are The Emotional Phases Of Postpartum?

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Postpartum?

How Long Does It Take To Adjust To Postpartum?

Which Behavior Would The Postpartum Client Demonstrate During The Taking-In Phase?

What Is The Best Way To Recover From Postpartum?

Why Is Postpartum Care Important?

Why Does Postpartum Take So Long?

What Happens Postpartum?

What To Do During Postpartum?

What To Avoid During Postpartum Recovery?

What Are The Benefits Of Postpartum Recovery?

How Can I Heal My Postpartum Naturally?

Do You Need Help Postpartum?

Why Is Postpartum Physical Therapy Important?

What Is Postpartum Recovery?

Ways For Supporting Spouse With Postpartum Depression

When a new baby is born, a new parent frequently anticipates adjustments to their emotional state. However, not everybody is prepared for the psychological challenges that might arise both before and after childbirth. Wives frequently experience emotional and mental breakdowns as a result of the stress and difficulties that come with being in an unfamiliar circumstance where they have to give birth.



Most couples think that the postpartum period will be happy and that the time spent with their child is instantly amazing. While most couples do not equate new motherhood with crippling anxiety disorders or sadness, they do anticipate being stressed and tired. It can also be quite difficult to be a spouse of an individual who is experiencing postpartum depression.

The baby blues affect seventy percent of mothers. This means that experiencing brief changes in postpartum mood in the weeks immediately following childbirth is rather common for new mothers. As a result, you could feel overburdened with attending to your partner’s needs while worrying about your child’s well-being. It’s normal for you to feel frustrated and resentful about what’s happening.

In that case, you can implement many easy, clear-cut actions to support your spouse’s recovery, and you have a critical role to play in that process. Finding out more about these kinds of psychological problems, their potential signs, and the measures you may implement to help your partner and family can be beneficial.

Here are a few things you can consider:

Understand Your Role In The Situation

Postpartum depression is an extremely serious psychological disorder that needs to be treated by a mental health professional. You are not your spouse’s therapist, and you have no right to assess their psychological state. It is not your responsibility to address the underlying cause of postpartum depression, which is caused by an imbalance of chemical substances in the brain, which frequently necessitates medical attention. Sometimes, it seems like your spouse is pushing you away from them, which is one of the most difficult factors associated with postpartum depression. Anger and fury are only two of the many emotions that someone with postpartum depression may experience. That hostility could occasionally be aimed at you, so you need extra patience in any situation.

You do have an essential part to contribute in supporting and encouraging your spouse as they deal with their medical condition. Since you spend most of your time in the house with your partner and the baby, you are someone your spouse turns to for emotional support. Try to maintain perspective when anything like this occurs. Try not to get caught up in it or take it personally if your partner is acting irrationally or pushing you away, even if they may have legitimate reasons for being frustrated with you. This is the postpartum depression sweeping over. With that, consider these things:

Pay Attention To Your Significant Other And Give Them Space To Share Their Emotions Without Passing Or Expressing Anger Or Any Judgment.

Rather Than Attempting To Comfort Them, Try To Understand And Validate Their Emotions.

Assist Your Spouse In Realizing That You Don’t Hold Them Accountable For Their Emotions; Neither You Nor They Are Responsible For Postpartum Depression.

Assist Your Significant Other In Realizing That Their Current Situation Is Just Transitory And That They Will Get Over It With Proper Help And Recovery.

Assure Your Spouse That They Will Start To Like Themselves Again After Receiving Postpartum Depression Treatment.

Assist Your Spouse in Seeing The Changes You’re Witnessing

Learn the differences between postpartum depression, anxiety, and the baby blues in a minute. Additionally, you may view an example of a postpartum depression assessment questionnaire that can be available from your mental health provider. Physicians can use that information to assess whether your spouse’s experiences or symptoms are consistent with postpartum depression.

Help your spouse identify any changes in personality or behavior if you suspect they may be suffering from postpartum depression or anxiety disorder. Using specific examples is crucial in this process. Let’s take an example where your partner used to enjoy a weekly phone talk with her friends or colleagues, but recently, she has been skipping it in favor of spending time alone with your newborn child. You may remark on these changes in this situation and ask your partner why all of the sudden change. Ask your significant other what emotions they are experiencing. This can facilitate a non-accusatory conversation opener and can lead to better communication.



Make Yourself Available At All Cost

You can feel pressured to put in as much work as you can to make ends meet if your spouse is on maternity leave while you are employed. Of course, that’s vital too, but if you can be less intimidating within your home or are more considerate about the task you and your partner would have to divide, now is an opportunity to consider taking it in. Remember, when your partner is feeling overwhelmed, in a low mood, or emotionally struggling during the pregnancy, it is vital that you take responsibility for the whole family.

You could arrive late a couple of days over the weekend so you can stay up in the early hours of the night to tend to the baby or so that your spouse can have quality sleep. This might be a simple gesture, but it surely means a lot. Also, to be present more frequently, consider working from home on one or two occasions per week. Also, having an additional person around can help ease the feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Your Assistance With Household Tasks Is Essential

There’s a tendency for first-time moms to feel stressed about providing flawless care for their infant and their household. However, that is only achievable with the problem of household chores and taking care of the infant. Particularly when the baby is overly demanding, new mothers are no longer able to multitask for the benefit of everything in the house and can only complete one duty at a time. You may assist your partner in setting more reasonable standards for what makes a clean home. You can do the dishes, wash the laundry, organize the baby stuff, etc. It is important that your spouse can also focus on self care. Convince her to eat regularly and take care of herself.

Additionally, you can lend a hand and assist whenever you can. Since it’s a hassle for your spouse to ask you for a small help, it’s preferable to do it on your own initiative. But if it helps, list all the things you have to do every day with your significant other so you know when it’s your turn to step in. Create a strategy and let your spouse know just how you will assist her. Your partner will find it simpler to accept assistance as a result. Additionally, it offers you the ability to truly contribute to the betterment of your whole family as well as your wife’s mental health recovery.

Allowing your spouse to get more quality sleep is crucial to their recovery because lack of sleep and postpartum depression have been linked. With that, you’ll have to adjust to your infant’s unpredictable sleeping schedule and a lot of unbroken sleep. In order to support your spouse, you must ensure she gets sufficient rest, as this will enable her to think clearly and make better decisions. It can help her regain her mental and emotional strength as well. Remind yourself that you’re partners and parents at the same time

Think about scheduling naps for your spouse to take while you care for the baby, splitting up the evening babysitting duties more equally between you and your spouse, or letting her sleep late on the weekends or on days when you can leave early for your job duties. 

Encourage Your Spouse To Consult A Medical Professional

Seeking treatment from a certified therapist or psychiatrist is the most effective method for an individual suffering from postpartum depression to recover. Given the negative connotations and misconceptions around psychological issues, particularly depression, you might need to reassure your spouse that it’s not a flaw in their personality. That process can start as soon as you can arrange for your significant other to consult a medical professional help.

You can accompany her to the following appointment to discuss her mental health concerns and ensure she receives a screening for anxiety and postpartum depression. For a new mother to heal, she must feel the support of her friends and family aside from frequently attending the initial mental health consultation.

Offer To Assist In Particular Means

Your spouse will still require your assistance to recover even after receiving mental health professional treatment. As a patient, she is more likely to recover more quickly, depending on how much help she gets. A person experiencing perinatal depression could find it more difficult to make decisions. Additionally, an anxious person could wish to do things on their own. Therefore, simply asking your wife how you can help her can mean a lot to her.

In roughly six weeks after beginning therapy for anxiety or postpartum depression, the majority of patients begin to feel better. Thus, keep your attention on the bright side of things. Your current actions to support your spouse are crucial during this moment. When your significant other feels like themselves again, they will be grateful for your assistance and will gladly appreciate all your hard work and efforts.



Reassure Your Spouse That They Are A Capable Parent

New moms who are suffering from postpartum depression frequently think that they aren’t suitable mothers. They feel that, in a certain way, they have failed their babies, are incompetent, and that these new moms have no understanding of what they are doing. Reassuring your spouse that this is not the case is among the most essential actions you can do at this time.

Point out all the wonderful things they accomplish for your child and your family every minute rather than merely saying, “You’re an awesome mother.” Give them specific instances of how they overcame adversity and emphasize the sacrifices they made to ensure the well-being and love of your child. It is also important that both of you surround d yourself with support groups or close families that share helpful tips.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Helps With Postpartum?

What Are The Emotional Phases Of Postpartum?

How Can I Enjoy Postpartum?

What Are The Natural Remedies For Postpartum Anxiety?

What To Avoid During Postpartum Recovery?

How Long Is The Recovery For Postpartum?

Why Is Postpartum Care Important?

What Does Mom Need Postpartum?

Do You Need Help Postpartum?

What Are The Benefits Of Postpartum Recovery?

Is There A Way To Prevent Post Partum Depression?

How Can I Prevent Postpartum Symptoms?

Why Do People Get Postpartum?

What Are Postpartum Patients At Risk For?

What Is The Hardest Day Of Postpartum?

The Depressing Topic Of Infertility – Therapy Discussion Part 2

Talking about infertility problems is often distressing, especially when couples try to conceive. The issue of infertility and its causes is often a piece of public knowledge. However, there’s a stigma when it comes to the mental and emotional association of the condition. Let’s continue the discussion and understand infertility’s impact on the emotional and psychological aspects.


How Does It Affect A Married Couple’s Relationship?

It Causes Sexual Tension

Sex is part of a marital relationship, and married couples should enjoy it as often as possible. Sexual intimacy represents both individuals’ connection, not only physically but also emotionally. However, infertility may bring pressure on the activity. And more often than not, the eagerness to try to conceive can build up stress. It may cause partners to develop an increase in sexual dysfunction and only focus on timely intercourse instead of enjoying the intimate moment they should spend together. Often, when sexual tension gets uncontrolled, it ruins the overall relationship.

It Builds Up Severe Anxiety

Infertility is so depressing to talk about at times because of the “whose fault is it” question. Often, when proven one of the married couples is the main reason for the said struggle, there is habitually an uncontrolled worry and fear. The anxiety build-up soon causes one or both individuals to overthink. There is the fear of rejection that the partner might leave anytime because of the other’s inability to conceive a child. There will be a high level of self-blame and criticism that could end up in isolation and mental distress.


It Creates More Misunderstandings

Couples struggling to have a child already have many problems they do not want to prioritize anymore. However, research reveals that opposite genders handle infertility issues differently. The one coping with infertility complications might often feel blamed and attacked, and the other might see it as an overreaction or exaggeration. This particular conflict might start small, but it will eventually make the couples suppress their anxiety, anger, and fear. Regardless of the cause of infertility, one or both partners might lose their grip and potentially utter unnecessary words that could emotionally damage the other.

It Produces Financial Problems

Financial problems are associated with infertility issues. That is because the condition requires a lot of monetary involvement, especially in treatments and medications. Couples co-paying for the procedures might struggle a lot due to the different unaffordable rates of the processes. Some treatments like IVF are expensive; there are surgeries that the doctors may require the couples to undergo, not to mention the other appointments that need to be done for almost a week. And unfortunately, regardless of how much money married couples have already spent on treatments, the results are still devastating.


It Builds Up Resentment

Infertility is proven to cause resentment, especially when one or both partners do not want to discuss the issue properly. It can cause a significant change in the relationship. One with the problem may lose interest in trying to conceive, or the other may constantly blame the partner for being incompetent. There is an emotional burden and guilt attached to the struggle. Unfortunately, in some instances, the other might take advantage of the difficulty and mentally and emotionally torture the other.

It Draws Isolation

One thing about infertility is that one or both married individuals often do not want to talk about their problems publicly. As much as possible, they would want to handle their issue silently. And since the situation is somewhat embarrassing for some, couples often choose not to discuss it with anyone. They know things can get complicated as others might pull up the string and look for someone to blame. It might draw isolation and lead to trouble coping with infertility and other relationship-related decisions. Infertility issues can make couples decide not to seek professional help.


How Does The Condition Make People Go Through Certain Emotional And Mental Health Struggles In The Relationship?

Infertility issue is a very common relationship stress inducer. Couples trying to retain their married life often end up in different scenarios. Either they try and live with the fact that they can no longer have a kid of their own, they make way and try anything to get their goal, or couples split because they can no longer handle the pressure of each other.

However, decision-making is not always a two-way movement, as couples eventually encounter a difference in opinion regarding moving forward with their lives. The disagreements on whether they would pursue resolutions lie in the eagerness to speak about what they genuinely want.

Again, the resentment, guilt, anxiety, sadness, and mental trauma attach themselves to the relationship leaving it broken and ripped. And sometimes, even the nicest conversation a couple can have cannot provide a way to understand each other’s feelings and desires. As a result, both would avoid the topic altogether.


The Depressing Topic Of Infertility – Therapy Discussion Part 1

What is infertility? What causes the condition? How does it affect a married couple’s relationship? How does the condition make people go through certain emotional and mental health struggles? Let’s dive deeper and talk about the depressing topic of infertility.


What Is Infertility?

In clinical terms, infertility refers to the person’s inability to conceive a child despite trying. Usually, conceiving can happen when two individuals have unprotected sexual intercourse without using birth control methods. So when they can’t produce a baby in a year, infertility may cause it.

According to research, many cases of infertility stem from the woman’s reproductive health issue, and only a portion only tracks down to men. In most cases, infertility refers to the woman’s inability to carry the pregnancy full-time. It means that sometimes a woman can get pregnant, but the tendency to have miscarriages or stillbirths is high. However, it is not limited to that case either, as combined problems of both men and women are to consider.

What Causes The Condition?


Infertility In Men

Usually, in men, the problem lies in their sperm. When there is a low sperm count or insufficient ejaculated sperm during sexual intercourse, there’s a lower chance of conceiving. Those less than 15 million sperm count is considered problematic or too small to even go through reproduction.

Another one is the abnormal sperm or the sperm having an unusual size and shape. These abnormal sperms can be determined by a crooked or double tail, large in size, or having a misshapen headThese sperm abnormalities are complicated because they won’t be able to move and reach or fertilize an egg.

Low sperm motility or also known as asthenozoospermia, is also an issue. When sperm cannot swim properly, it will never reach and penetrate the egg. However, in a few instances, men with low sperm motility can still conceive naturally.


Unhealthy habits can also cause infertility in men. These include but are not limited to smoking, excess alcohol drinking, substance abuse, excess steroid consumption, and testosterone supplementation. Exposure to certain chemicals, such as pesticides and lead, can cause infertility. Radiations and other specific treatments, such as chemotherapy, add as well.

In a not so given attention, overheated testicles can also cause men’s infertility. It is when a man’s testicles are significantly making them overheat. These can happen when men constantly wear tight clothes or unbreathable ones, regularly use saunas or hot tubs, or frequently work in areas that are too hot.

Infertility In Women

Infertility in women arises when there is a problem with ovulation. The issue with the release of eggs from the ovaries happens when there’s PCOS, also known as polycystic ovary syndrome. It is a common reproductive health condition that does not allow women to ovulate. The cause of PCOS is believed to be associated with abnormal hormone levels.


Fallopian tube abnormalities. When fallopian tubes are not functioning properly, are damaged, or blocked, it can cause women’s infertility. The damaged fallopian tube will prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. Thus, the fertilized egg will not be able to transfer from the ovary and won’t be implanted in the uterus. Usually, the cause of these problems comes from sexually transmitted infections such as Chlamydia that block the fallopian tubes.

Another cause of infertility in women is premature ovarian failure. Usually, women under 40 are prone to this as their reproductive organs stop functioning as they should. Often, the condition comes from toxins or radiation therapy that affects the chromosome changes. However, studies show that autoimmunity diseases can impact ovarian tissue leading to ovarian failure.

Endometriosis is also a cause of infertility in women. It is where the lining of the uterus often grows and develops outside the uterus. In severe cases, Endometriosis results in a chronic inflammatory reaction that scratches the tissue and forms a scar (adhesions, fibrosis) in the pelvis and sometimes in other areas of the body.

Like men, women’s infertility is also caused by exposure to certain toxic chemicals. These can also include lead, pesticides, and radiation. Also, genetic defects such as spinal muscular atrophy, cystic fibrosis, Canavan disease, Lupus, diabetes, Tay-Sachs disease, sickle cell disease, and Thalassemias can cause infertility problems.


Final Thoughts And Takeaway

The factors affecting infertility are broad. Other problematic areas such as age, obesity, structural reproductive problem, and mental stress are not exempted and can cause infertility in both men and women. An overall test and examination done by an expert infertility specialist can only determine what causes the condition. Treatments and medication should be administered by a professional.

Experiencing infertility is a struggle, and everyone is handling the condition differently. Not everyone understands the physical, emotional, and mental stress it causes. The second part of the article will discuss how the condition affects people’s lives and relationships.




Who wouldn’t want to have a healthy baby boy or girl? Most women would do anything to have a successful and healthy pregnancy and delivery. However, there are some parents who won’t have that chance. This is because they might have infertility problems including issues related to sperm count that can affect fertility and health care. What if your wife won’t be able to get pregnant? What if you can’t conceive naturally?


Infertility – Not Just A Woman’s Problem

Infertility is a devastating word and scenario when it affects the reproductive system. Women who were diagnosed with infertility but yearn for kids often feel depressed. It is a health topic that needs to be understood. One should understand, though, that there exists male infertility aside from female infertility. In this article, primary infertility in women will be further discussed.

Learn more about infertility here.

What To Know About Infertility

Motherhood is a milestone in life that women look forward to in general. However, some women struggle with infertility. There is still so much stigma surrounding infertility. Because of this stigma, women suffer from emotional pain and trauma from conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, hormonal disorders, ovulation disorders, eating disorders, primary ovarian insufficiency, etc. which might be one of the risk factors for their infertility.

If you have just received an infertility diagnosis and are going through this difficult situation, know that you are not alone. Seeking professional counseling on reproductive health, fertility or infertility treatment, assisted reproductive technology art, or reproductive medicine is one way to cope with infertility.

Infertility is a medical condition that affects both male and female reproductive systems. However women suffer from the stigma of infertility more than men. Women are more vulnerable to suffering trauma, depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety due to infertility. Indeed, infertility does result in poor mental health.

An infertile woman when she and her partner have been unsuccessful in their attempts to conceive for a year or more. This means that there is a disorder in the female reproductive system  (woman’s uterus and fallopian tubes, follicle-stimulating hormone, endometrial tissue, etc.) or other health problems (early menopause, pelvic infection, very painful periods, etc.)

According to the world health organization, men’s infertility may be caused by low sperm count or impaired sperm production, sexually transmitted infection from unprotected sex, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or you may have a genetic problem like cystic fibrosis that could affect sperm production and semen analysis quality.

What Are The Causes Of Infertility?

  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
  • Ovulation issues
  • Implantation issues
  • Endometriosis
  • Absent menstrual periods
  • Ovulation problems cause infertility
  • Scar tissue in one of the reproductive organs
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Sexually transmitted infections from unprotected sexual intercourse

Infertility can cause serious emotional damage to women who want to have children. It is a serious reproductive condition that affects 1 out of every 6 couples.

Infertility (Male And Female Infertility) Is a Real Medical Condition

Since infertility is a medical condition, your physician can make some fertility treatment suggestions. Doctors treat infertility by prescribing fertility drugs and other medications for medical procedures such as intrauterine insemination. You may also be asked to follow strict health protocols.

However, these solutions are not cheap. Pills for sterility, artificial insemination, and other fertility treatments and disease control can break the bank. Because there are other factors at play, these treatments also cannot guarantee to improve your fertility.


Assessing The Other Factors Concerning Infertility

Even couples who get tested for sterility can pass a medical test and still not conceive for more than a year. Extreme stress and anxiety with the expectation to conceive can also affect male and female fertility.

If your stress and anxiety build up, your physician might refer you to a mental health professional to properly assess the other factors affecting fertility.

The Mental Health Issues And Health And Developmental Problems Associated With Infertility

You may need to seek a professional who has a background in reproductive health and infertility counseling and regularly deals with women’s reproductive issues. It can be beneficial to seek their advice to learn how to cope with the distress and trauma of infertility.

Your infertility is negatively affecting your life if you have the following:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Irregular or lack of sleep
  • Loss of interest in your usual hobbies
  • Suicidal thoughts

Many problems that women face with infertility are due to the narrative of building a family.


Infertility can also cause stress and tension in a relationship. When there are expectations for the woman to conceive, infertility can cause misunderstandings. The man might pin all the blame on the woman, when in fact the male reproductive system may be dysfunctional as well, as there exists male factor infertility. Both might even have different opinions on how to treat male and female infertility and how several factors can affect fertility.

It does not help that some people place a lot of value on fertility and having children. They can be nosy about family affairs, which puts unnecessary pressure on the relationship. The inability to conceive, in turn, can feel like an invisible loss.

Seeking Proper Counseling For Your Infertility

There are many challenges to face when trying to overcome anxiety and depression caused by infertility. It can cause stress for both you and your partner, and it could be hard to make a compromise.

A sterility counselor can give you sound suggestions and advice even while you are undergoing fertility treatments. This way, you can address your concerns (whether it be male infertility or female infertility) and decide when to take the next step.

How Counseling For Infertility Becomes Beneficial

It is much harder to deal with grief without anyone to talk to. Having a counselor helps you feel that you are not alone. These professionals will give you a safe space to communicate your infertility issues and concerns effectively. Letting out the feelings and thoughts that you have helps manage your stress and anxiety.

Fertility issues cause not only physical and emotional stress. This condition can also drain you financially. Your counselor can help you decide where to go next. Some couples may consider adoption, or some may not. Some may opt to continue medical treatment (intracytoplasmic sperm injection icsi or in vitro fertilization through assisted reproductive technologies), and some may not.

Fertility Treatment

It all depends on what the couple wants. What’s important is to make a decision that you and your partner will both be happy about. What’s crucial is that you work together on infertility treatment.

A counselor might mention that your feelings of guilt may stem from social norms, such as expecting a woman to conceive a child. You may have grown up with this belief throughout your life and have set the ability to bear and rear children as the basis of your identity.

Not meeting this expectation might make you feel defective and incapable. You may feel like you have lost the opportunity to nurture and care for a child. You may think that you will never measure up to your mother. These thoughts and feelings are intrusive and can consume you. Your counselor can help you understand that your medical condition does not define you. Your counselor will help you realize that your value and worth as a woman do not come from motherhood alone.

Seek A Counselor For Infertility And Ovulation Problems

When you plan to achieve a milestone in life, it is important to assess your expectations to avoid a serious health problem. Having children is a huge commitment, and many people center their lives around that future.

To love and care for another person more than yourself is a gift. However, sometimes things do not always go our way. We have no control over the future. We need to learn how to be content with ourselves.

Seeking advice from an infertility counselor or even the Society for reproductive   medicine is the best decision you can make for yourself and your partner.  Coupled with medical health, your counselor can help you choose a healthy way to cope with fertility issues or can give you details about  vitro fertilization, fertilization ivf, and vitro fertilization ivf. This way, you can come to terms with your condition. You are a step closer to healing, forgiving yourself, and living worry-free.

Infertility FAQs

What exactly causes infertility?

Infertility is typically caused by various factors affecting the reproductive systems of both males and females, such as hormonal imbalances, structural abnormalities, or issues with egg or sperm production, ultimately hindering successful conception. In males, factors like low sperm count or quality can impede fertilization, while in females, issues like irregular ovulation or blocked fallopian tubes can pose challenges to fertility.

What are the signs of infertility?

Signs of infertility include irregular menstrual cycles, sexual function issues in men, and conditions like PCOS. Assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI), are options for couples facing infertility challenges.

What are the causes of female infertility?

Do infertile women have a normal menstrual cycle?

Can infertility be cured?

How can I boost my fertility?

What are ways to prevent infertility?

How do I know if I’m not suffering from infertility?

Which fruit is good for fertility?

What age does your fertility drop?

Can stress cause infertility?

At what age can a woman be infertile?



According to most counselors, a healthy pregnancy is something that many expecting mothers pray for. This is why they go to their doctor and have an ultrasound regularly, especially during their first trimester. They try to follow proper nutrition guidelines and do some exercise routines that are tolerable for pregnant women, those that are safe for the fetus in the uterus.

Sweet couple announcing pregnancy.

Babies are such a joy to parents, which is why, from the time of gestation up until conception, the three trimesters are crucial, not just the first trimester and the second trimester.

Pregnancy: Common Problems Of Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is an exciting moment in a woman’s life. During pregnancy, a mother enjoys a bond with the baby before even seeing it – a wonder of pregnancy. She gets to experience the delight of caring for her child or children while she’s pregnant. Pregnancy should be celebrated. Pregnancy should be momentous – the due date is long-awaited. Pregnant women should observe proper precautions and be aware of pregnancy health risks to avoid mishaps during pregnancy. These include low birth weight, premature birth, child’s birth defects, and other reproductive health issues.

Pregnancy Health – Hormonal Changes And Health Care

However, there are many problems that an expecting mother can face during her pregnancy or early stage of motherhood. These pregnancy problems and changes in the various body systems (morning sickness, increased weight, body pain, etc.) can cause her emotional, physical, and mental stress, which can cause pregnancy complications. These pregnancy problems can affect not only her but the baby in her womb. From the time the woman has a missed period and parents discover that they’re pregnant, they have to commit to seeing their doctor for proper pregnancy health care.

Here are some of the common pregnancy problems and how counseling can help expecting mothers.

Pregnancy Surely Increases Stress Levels

Pregnancy brings a significant change into any woman’s life. Pregnancy also warrants a different level of stress. Being pregnant for the first child or first time can become more stressful as women might feel unprepared for a new parent’s chapter, specifically the first trimester. There would be many questions during the first pregnancy that would make a woman think about how she would handle everything. Unwanted and unplanned pregnancies can also be stressful for expecting mothers. Nevertheless, one should always wish for a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy increases the stress that women have. One of these is the environment where they are. Single parenthood can be more trying for the mother because she has to tend to her baby all by herself. Relationship problems within the family can also lead to stress. Thus, it is good to find some additional support group services in terms of mental health concerns as well, as mental and emotional support. Pregnancy can be painful, too, and if not careful, the expectant mom can go into preterm labor, which puts babies at greater risk of having problems and developmental disabilities.

Stress can affect not only a healthy pregnancy but also the baby’s health and overall well-being. It’s crucial for expecting mothers to watch out for their maternal mental health because this also involves the child. The babies can also feel what they feel, even if they are still within their mother’s placenta (the placenta connects mother and child). That is why it is important to protect expecting moms from any example of stress.

To combat the effects of stress during pregnancy, new mothers can talk to professional counselors. They can help pregnant women to have healthy coping skills that they can use every day throughout their pregnancy. One can also learn about positive emotions and positive pregnancy outcomes and other information.

Can Anxiety Cause Severe Mental Damage To Expectant Mothers?

It’s natural for pregnant women to feel some sense of worry throughout their pregnancy. You might be new to everything and may feel lost sometimes – starting from the time of your last period! The sudden change in hormones can also be a factor in why a pregnant woman might have anxiety and depression and other mental health issues.

However, if your pregnancy worries continue and it already affects your daily activities, then you might have anxiety or deal with uncontrolled fear.

Pregnancy-Related Anxiety:

  • Constant feelings of anxiousness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling agitated and irritated

Sometimes, during pregnancy, anxiety problems can lead to panic attacks. These attacks start suddenly, and the symptoms can manifest physically. A common symptom of a panic attack is having difficulty breathing or pacing back and forth. Having panic episodes during pregnancy is not uncommon regardless of which trimester.

Pregnancy Loss

The worst-case scenario is a miscarriage or pregnancy loss, which can happen if pregnancy stress is not monitored well. Statistics show that miscarriages occur in 15% of known pregnancy cases. However, many people tend not to talk about miscarriages. In turn, parents who experience this might feel like they are alone and unsupported. This is a sad period when parents imagine their babies and blame themselves for not taking more care of having a healthy pregnancy.

Couples or pregnant women who experienced the miscarriage grieve that the future will forever be a ‘what if.’ In the process of grief, couples may blame themselves or each other – they could have focused more on proper nutrition, lost more weight, had proper treatment for any problems, and visited their doctor often. They might feel that they could have prevented it but weren’t able to do so. These mixed feelings and thoughts can lead most couples to break up if they are unable to handle it.

Healing from a miscarriage is possible, but it takes time. Talking with a professional or grief counseling expert can help mothers overcome grief and move forward with their lives. People who experience miscarriage need to feel that they’re not alone in whatever they’re going through.

A counselor can engage couples or mothers with activities that can help them accept what happened in their lives. The goal of these sessions is to teach them healthier coping mechanisms for them to feel better. With these, couples or single new moms can have a better, healthier mindset. This will help them get through this obstacle in their life.



Depression After Pregnancy

Another common problem that mothers face is postpartum depression. Research shows that about 15% of first-time mothers experienced this condition. Many people tend to take this lightly, but it’s a severe problem. This condition is often referred to as “baby blues,” but they are entirely different in severity.

Postpartum depression can cause mothers to experience severe mood swings and exhaustion. They also feel a constant sense of hopelessness. These feelings can ultimately affect the mother’s ability to take care of herself and her child. When left untreated, the condition can become worse over time. The symptoms of mental health care issues, such as the postpartum period of depression, may differ for each person.

Symptoms Of Depression After Pregnancy

  • The feeling of exhaustion but can’t sleep
  • Loss of appetite or eating too much
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Flooding of different kinds of indescribable emotions
  • You feel overwhelmed and hopeless
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyable things
  • Can’t concentrate or make decisions
  • Intrusive thoughts about hurting yourself or your baby

These symptoms may appear within a few weeks after childbirth or sometimes even after a few months. See your doctor as soon as possible if you feel symptoms of postpartum depression.

What One Should Know

Mental health professionals like clinical psychologists and a psychiatrist can head therapy sessions and help mothers overcome postpartum depression. In these sessions, mothers are taught different strategies for preventing harmful thoughts.


Final Thoughts On Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a crucial moment for a mother and child. Throughout the nine months, extensive care and attention must be given to them. As inevitable as problems are, there is always help available for women going through pregnancy.

In times like this, reaching out to a counselor is helpful to maintain your sanity and mental well-being. Going to counseling sessions is one of the healthiest ways for an expecting mother to cope with the changes that she’s experiencing in her life.

Pregnancy FAQs:

Who to talk to when you are pregnant?

When you are pregnant, it’s important to talk to several key individuals to ensure your overall well-being. First and foremost, consult with a healthcare provider to monitor your physical health throughout your pregnancy. Additionally, seek out mental health support, such as therapy or counseling, if you are experiencing emotional challenges or stress. Don’t hesitate to lean on your family for emotional and practical support during this transformative time. They can provide valuable assistance and a strong support system to help you navigate the journey of pregnancy with confidence.

How do you counsel a pregnant patient?

Counseling a pregnant patient involves addressing various health concerns and providing guidance to support both the physical and emotional well-being of expectant mothers. A healthcare provider should offer information on prenatal care, nutrition, and exercise to ensure a healthy pregnancy and prepare for giving birth. It’s also essential to discuss any maternal mental health concerns and provide resources for addressing them. Additionally, counseling should include information on postpartum support and the challenges that new mothers may face during the transition to motherhood. Overall, the goal is to provide comprehensive care and education to promote a positive pregnancy experience and a healthy start for both the mother and baby.

Why prenatal counselling is important?

Prenatal counseling is crucial for several reasons, emphasizing the importance of health care during this major life event. It addresses not only physical health but also maternal mental health, offering expectant mothers a safe space to discuss their concerns and emotions. Seeking the guidance of a health professional or mental health professional, including online therapy if needed, can help mothers navigate the challenges and uncertainties of pregnancy, ensuring they receive the support and information necessary for a healthy pregnancy and a positive start to motherhood.

What advice do you give to a pregnant woman?

What does stress do to a pregnant woman?

How a husband should treat a pregnant woman?

How can I stop overthinking during pregnancy?

What is pregnancy anxiety?

Can anxiety or depression be passed from mother to child?

What are the most critical weeks of pregnancy?


Frequently Asked Questions About Signs And Symptoms Of PPD (Postpartum Depression)

Giving birth is a gift. It is indeed one of the most fascinating things in life. However, the reality of pregnancy is rarely talked about – the real deal. A lot are focusing on giving pregnancy tips, how to have a healthy pregnancy, and maintain physical health, among others. These are all important but it is also equally important to talk about the mental health of pregnant mothers.

Carrying a baby for 9 months in the womb is no walk in the park.

Some women may feel anxious and stressed by the uncertainty and sensitivity of the nine-month-long pregnancy. It is common for expecting mothers to feel the pressure about parenthood and the constant reassurance of their child’s good health.

Apart from this, soon-to-be mothers face significant changes in their lives. These changes include their relationships and priorities. Lifestyles need modifications, and women’s roles in their social relationships change. Some women stop working, while some couples’ dynamics change. These changes can be overwhelming and hard to navigate.

It is estimated that 1 in 5 women develop mental health problems during and after pregnancy. Out of every 100 pregnant women, approximately 10-15 of them experience major depression and anxiety. These conditions can affect anyone, but there is an added layer of complexity in the case of pregnancy. Care, treatment, and finding solutions for these symptoms are crucial during this time.

Among the commonly diagnosed mental health issues associated with pregnancy are postpartum depression, baby blues, and postpartum psychosis.  But, as a disclaimer, just because it’s unique doesn’t mean it can’t be cured.

To pave the way for appropriate health management, we must first attempt to understand the various mental health problems during pregnancy.

Postpartum means after birth, and depression is when a person experiences extreme sadness in an overwhelming amount of frequency. Postpartum happens throughout the first year after giving birth. Some postpartum depression symptoms include immense feelings of despair, sadness, and irritability.

This is different and more extreme than baby blues, a more common condition of sudden mood swings immediately after birth. Postpartum health care, a history of depression, and a family history can lead to serious consequences if you don’t treat postpartum depression properly and early on.

How Do You Know That One Has PPD?

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious condition that can have a profound effect on a new mother’s life. It is important to be aware of the different symptoms and signs of postpartum depression, especially if there is a family history of depression, perinatal depression, or postpartum psychosis so that you can recognize it and seek the help you need.

One of the most common signs of postpartum depression is a feeling of sadness and despair that lasts longer than the baby blues. This type of sadness may be accompanied by frequent crying, exhaustion, difficulty breastfeeding, and trouble sleeping. Other symptoms of depression, as noted by the National Institute of Health Services in the field of public health, may include feelings of guilt or worthlessness, apathy, and lack of motivation, as well as difficulty concentrating and irritability.

PPD Vs. Baby Blues

It is important to differentiate between postpartum depression and baby blues. Baby blues typically last for only a few days or weeks after delivery and do not interfere with daily life. Postpartum depression, on the other hand, is more serious and can last for months. It can affect a mother’s ability to care for her baby and make it difficult to enjoy activities she used to enjoy.

Seek Help

If you believe you are experiencing postpartum depression, it is important to reach out for help. There are many resources available to help you cope with the feelings of depression. You can seek counseling or talk therapy, join a support group for other mothers who are experiencing postpartum depression, or talk to your doctor about medication if necessary.

Remember that postpartum depression is a treatable condition, and you are not alone. With the right help and support, you can get through this difficult time and experience the joy of motherhood.

You should also remember that postpartum depression is not a sign of weakness or a lack of love for your baby. It is a real medical condition that is caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and the stresses of being a new mom.

It is important to talk to someone if you are feeling overwhelmed or depressed after giving birth. Reach out to a friend, family member, mental healthcare provider, or healthcare professional. Let them know what you are feeling and get the help you need. You don’t have to go through this alone.

There is hope for recovery from postpartum depression. With the right treatment and support, you can overcome depression and enjoy the experience of motherhood. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help and take the steps necessary to get your life back on track. You deserve to be happy and healthy.

Finally, focus on taking time for yourself. Make sure you are getting enough rest, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby. Allocating time to focus on your own needs will help you to find balance and put you in a better place to take on the challenges of motherhood.

Having a baby can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but it can also be overwhelming at times. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression or PPD can help you to recognize it and seek the help you need to get through it. With the right support, you can overcome postpartum depression and enjoy the journey of motherhood.

If you are interested to know more, check out our FAQs below.

What Are The Causes Of PPD?

Although there are no specific causes for postpartum depression, there are a few physical and emotional reasons that can cause this issue among new mothers—first, the lack of sleep.

Sleep deprivation can cause many emotional and physical issues, and it can also impair your cognitive functions, which is why you must get enough sleep. Next are hormones; the body can drop your estrogen and progesterone levels greatly once you give birth, which can play a role in feeling postpartum depression.

Other causes can be anxiety and self-image, which are both more psychological and emotional.

What Is The Postpartum Period? How Long Does It Last?

The postpartum period can be categorized into three unique stages. The first stage is the initial or acute phase, usually around six to twelve hours after giving birth to your child. The next stage is called the postpartum period, which can last anywhere from two to six weeks. Lastly, the delayed postpartum period. This stage can last up to 6 months.

How Can You Prevent PPD?

The truth is, there is no proven way to prevent postpartum depression. However, there are several ways that you can reduce your increased risk of developing postpartum depression and protect yourself.

The first thing is to educate yourself. Ensure that you learn and understand things before it even happens to know how to handle things healthily. Make sure that you get enough sleep and that you are eating well. It is also important that you squeeze in a few minutes of exercise to help elevate your depressed mood. Make sure you take care of yourself as well.

How Bad Is PPD?

This type of depression can be stronger, and it can also last longer. Based on statistics, postpartum depression can happen after 15% of births for new moms and even moms who have given birth before. It can cause many different problems emotionally, such as severe mood swings, exhaustion, and even a feeling of hopelessness.

This can make it difficult to take care of a baby, and there are cases where it can even lead to the child’s death. So, it is important to make sure that you take care of yourself while taking care of the baby.

What Should You Not Do After Giving Birth?

You can find many different things about what to do before giving birth, but not much is found about what not to do after giving birth. Since your body has just gone through an extreme experience, it is important to take care of it afterward.

Do not ignore any signs of discomfort. Go straight to your doctor. Make sure that you do not deprive yourself of care or help. Your priority is yourself, so you can take care of your baby.

How Do I Stay Intimate After Having A Baby?

For many women, sex drives can return after one to three months. So unless your doctor advises you against it, you can go back to getting into it when you feel ready. Make sure that you talk to your partner and that you both know what is going on.

Communication will always be key in any relationship, so you have to talk about it no matter what it is. Sex can change after giving birth, but it is important to talk and figure out what both of you want to happen.

Why Does Lochia Smell So Bad?

The lochia consists of many different things, such as blood, bacteria, urine, and mucus. This is the first stage after giving birth, so do not be alarmed if you feel like you have changes in your vagina. It can have a stale odor like menstrual discharge.

So you have to stay calm and make sure that you ask your doctor what is best to do to give yourself relief. Do not be ashamed to ask for help from your doctor when you need help.

How Do You Know When Lochia Is Finished?

The lochia should stop around four to six weeks after giving birth, but it can also be earlier, depending on your body and pregnancy. When it is almost over, when the discharge is mostly white blood cells, you will know which helped your uterus heal after you have given birth. This usually happens during the final stages, which are referred to as the lochia alba.

How Can My Tummy Become Flat Postpartum?

Belly fat is normal, especially after giving birth, but if you want to have a flat tummy even after delivery well, the best thing to do is exercise. Getting the exercise you need and eating healthy can help you get back to your pre-pregnancy weight and body after only a few months. Make sure that you are taking good care of your body before, during, and after the pregnancy.

What Are The Three Different Types Of Lochia?

Lochia is normal for any woman who has recently given birth. The lochia goes through three different stages. There are three types of lochia with different stages happening at different times.

For type 1, we start with Rubra, then serosa, and finally alba. Type 2 is rubra followed by serosa and then alba sequenced with prolonged rubra phase and finally short serosa and rubra phases. Type 3 is rubra, then serosa or alba then rubra again and the serosa/alba sequence again but this time with equal duration.

After giving birth, a mother's body and mind goes through a lot of changes. This is why it is equally important to take care of a mother's mental health so as not to have PPD.

How Soon Can You Take A Bath Postpartum?

Make sure that you do not take a bath after three days of giving birth. Also, make sure that you do not use any essential oils or bubble baths. You can always take a shower to soothe your breasts if needed, but you have to refrain from bathing for at least three days after delivery.

Is It Normal For Lochia To Turn Red Again?

Lochia can last up to six weeks or even longer. You do not have to worry, as this is also normal. If your lochia turns back into a darker red shade, then it might be a sign that you need to take a step back and slow down a bit.

However, if you still experience spotting after a few days of relaxation, you need to consult with your doctor or your midwife. You mustn’t ignore these things because they may cause you a lot of harm if you let them slide.

Why Do I Have Postpartum White Discharge?

This white discharge can be the final stage of lochia, which is lochia alba. This usually is a yellowish-white color. This discharge can last up to 6 weeks after birth. It will contain many fewer red blood cells because these are usually the white blood cells that have helped your body heal after the delivery.

How Do You Pee Postpartum?

You must pee at regular times throughout the day. However, if peeing becomes difficult for you or starts to sting, what you could do is pour warm water over your perineum, or you could also try to pee while in the shower. This will hopefully help soothe the pain and make it easier to pee.

Why Do You Have To Wait 40 Days After Giving Birth or Postpartum?

After you give birth and after your placenta comes out, you have to wait at least three weeks so that you give your body enough time to heal. What happens in your body is your blood cells will naturally close up the wounds that have been left by the placenta.

They do by blood clotting, and your vessels will eventually shrink, but again, this process can take a lot of time, so be patient and let your body heal.


In this article, we learned that pregnancy could also be extremely complex, as beautiful as it is. It is a process where two lives are at stake, both of the baby and the mother. However, as we found out, pregnancy goes way beyond that. As a new life starts, the mother also enters a new life.

These changes can bring forth discomfort and unsettling feelings, not just physically but psychologically as well. With this, expecting mothers can also experience postpartum depression or mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, and bipolar disorder. Although pregnancy makes it more difficult to deal with, these mental health issues are not impossible to cure or handle.

Manifestations of PPD is not always apparent. This is why it is important to give extra attention to a new mother's mental health as well.

Specifically, we talked about some of the most pressing questions about postpartum depression. We lightly discussed how postpartum progress, the signs and symptoms, risk factors, and how to prevent it. We mentioned how women could remain active, not just physically but also in other aspects, like intimacy. Some of these aspects are the source of mental illness or instability among mothers.

Apart from that, we just touched on a few other questions about postpartum conditions. We talked about lochia, the dos, and don’ts after giving birth, like taking a bath, peeing, discharge, etc.

In the general sense, we found out that postpartum can be non-salient as the common baby blues. Postpartum depression can be feelings of unsettledness, anxiety, extreme sadness, and irritability. These symptoms are common postpartum. But it may be more serious if it occurs at intense levels on most days.

Postpartum is a progressive condition if not appropriately attended to. It can affect a woman’s normal functioning, and it can even put the baby’s life in danger.

Although there are still no identified direct causes for postpartum depression, there are ways to prevent it from happening. Many of these tips circle around maintaining good physical and mental health, like getting enough sleep, physical exercise, and a balanced diet.

After birth, we also learned that women must also continue to take care of themselves. Women should be knowledgeable and should have strong support to cope with life’s changes after birth.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What Are PPD Manisfestations?

What Are The 3 Common Complications After Giving Birth?

What Is The Postpartum 5 5 5 Rule?

What Are Examples Of Someone Having PPD?

What Are The 4 Phases That A Woman Goes Through After Giving Birth?

FAQs On Handling Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as a mental health illness that can cause feelings of fear, apprehension, and tension. For some individuals, the symptoms can be overwhelming. Some cases can also lead to panic attacks and even physical chest pain.

Anxiety disorder is tremendously common. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the disorder is experienced by approximately 31% of U.S. adults in a certain period within their life span. A confirmed report from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that anxiety affects approximately 40 million individuals in America.


The causes of anxiety, as well as anxiety disorders, can be complex. It is most probably a blend of factors, which include environmental and genetic. However, there is strong evidence that some emotions, experiences, or situations may trigger the onset of anxiety symptoms or worsen them. These are referred to as triggers.

These triggers can vary for each individual, although a number of triggers are prevalent among individuals with these conditions. Others find that they have many triggers, but for some, the episodes can emerge even though the person has nothing to worry about at all.

Managing The Mental Condition

Practice Relaxation Techniques: Breathe calmly. Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation can help calm your mind and reduce the symptoms.

Get Enough Sleep: Sleep deprivation can increase the symptoms. So make sure to prioritize getting enough sleep each night to minimize the symptoms of anxiety.

Exercise Regularly: Stay healthy. Exercise is a natural stress reliever that can help reduce anxiety symptoms. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week.

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment without judgment. It can help reduce worries or fears and increase feelings of calmness.

Challenge Negative Thoughts: Try to identify or challenge negative thoughts that are contributing to your symptoms. Ask yourself if there is evidence to support these thoughts and if they are helpful or unhelpful.

Avoid Avoidance: Avoiding situations that make you feel scared may provide temporary relief, but it can reinforce anxiety in the long term. Instead, try to gradually face your fears and build up your tolerance.

Seek Social Support: If you have social anxiety, panic attacks, or generalized anxiety disorder, having a support system can help reduce the symptoms. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups for help.

Take Care of Yourself: Make self-care a priority. Engage in activities that bring you joy. Make time for hobbies, relaxation, and downtime.

Create a Routine: Having a regular routine is part of stress management. It can provide structure and help reduce the symptoms of this mental health condition. Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule, meal times, or exercise routine.

Practice Gratitude: Focusing on the things you are grateful for can help shift your focus away from negative thoughts and reduce the symptoms. Try writing down three things you’re thankful for each day.

Set Realistic Goals: Setting small, achievable goals can help you build confidence and reduce the symptoms you are experiencing. Break larger goals into smaller steps. Don’t celebrate each accomplishment.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that symptoms of this mental health condition can be challenging to manage. Avoid self-criticism and practice self-compassion instead.

Engage in Relaxing Activities: Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress can make a big difference. For example, if one feels stressed, taking a warm bath, listening to calming music, or practicing yoga can alleviate the stress they are feeling.

Identify Triggers: Identify the situations or events that trigger your anxious feelings or panic attack so that you can develop coping tips and techniques for when they occur.

Keep a Journal: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process them and reduce the symptoms. Try journaling for a few minutes each day.

Use Positive Affirmations: Use positive self-talk to counteract negative thoughts and reduce excessive anxiety. Repeat affirmations such as “I am calm and in control” or “I can handle this.”

Take Breaks: Incorporate regular breaks in your daily activities to recharge and reduce the manifestations. Step away from work or stressful situations for a few minutes and engage in a relaxing activity.

Practice Visualization: Visualize a calm and peaceful scene, such as a beach or forest, to help manage your emotions. Use all your senses to create a vivid mental image.

Seek Professional Help: If the symptoms are already interfering with your daily life, don’t hesitate to seek treatment. A mental health professional can provide anxiety tips and techniques, and support to manage your mental health condition. They can provide advice, diagnosis, and treatment for you.

Use Apps: There are many apps available to help manage anxiety, such as meditation apps, anxiety tracking apps, and cognitive behavioral therapy apps.



Below are frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers about tips and techniques for relieving anxiety.

What Is The 54321 Method?

Among the most popular grounding strategies is the 54321 strategy. It begins with some deep breathing, where the person breathes in for five seconds, holds that breath for another five seconds, and then breathes out for five seconds. He then repeats this pattern until he realizes that his thoughts are slowing down, his heart rate is slowing, and he is relaxing.


How Can I Kill The Mental Disorder Naturally?

Lifestyle changes can help in coping with anxiety. Staying active through physical exercises is one of the most effective ways of reducing anxiety naturally. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol and caffeine, and indulging in recreational drugs will only make you feel worse. Thus, it would be beneficial if one avoids those activities. It would also help a lot if you eat a balanced diet and get as much as eight to ten hours of sleep daily. Finally, practice some meditation and deep breathing exercises to get rid of anxiety.

What Are Some Good Coping Strategies?

Positive coping strategies for stress and anxiety include:

  • Avoiding alcohol and drugs
  • Taking care of yourself by exercising, getting sufficient sleep, and eating healthy meals
  • Taking a break from your busy routine and spending quality time with family and friends
  • Acknowledging when more help is needed
  • Talking and sharing your problems with others


What Is The 333 Rule For Anxiety?

A great way to learn how to be more ‘present’ is to use the ‘333’ rule. When you experience an anxiety attack, look around and try naming three things that you see around you, three things you hear within your surroundings, and finally, try moving three parts of your body.


Can Drinking More Water Help Anxiety?

Water has been found to possess natural relaxing properties, most probably because the effects of dehydration on the brain and body have been addressed. Drinking sufficient amounts of water is a vital step in dealing with your anxiety. Even if you don’t feel anxious, drinking water does produce relaxation.


How Do I Train My Brain To Stop Anxiety?

You can train your brain to get rid of your anxiety by first being aware of your anxiety. You have to focus because this determines reality. When you’ve done that, designate a timeframe for when you can allow yourself to worry. Postponing is one of the best methods of managing anxiety, and it is the best method of achieving it. Finally, you can try challenging your anxious and negative thoughts.


What To Drink To Calm Nerves?

Some favorite drinks that help calm anxiety include green tea, kava tea, warm milk, peppermint tea, fresh fruit and vegetable tea, and valerian root tea.


Can You Rewire Your Brain From Anxiety?

Current studies have found that the brain can be rewired by way of neuroplasticity. This means that you can delete the negative brain synapses to improve or get rid of anxiety.


Can Anxiety Go Away For Good?

The first form of anxiety will disappear by itself. The second one may not. Most individuals diagnosed with anxiety never completely get rid of their anxiety. But they can learn to manage their feelings and tremendously decrease their anxiety level by going into therapy and taking medications if necessary.


How Do I Stop Overthinking Anxiety?

Simple steps you can try to help stop overthinking about anxiety include:

  • Start by being aware of the situation or the feeling.
  • Do not keep thinking about what could go wrong but instead think about what could go right.
  • Create positive distractions that make you happy.
  • Nobody’s perfect, so stop being a perfectionist.
  • Change your perception of fear.


Which Exercise Is Good For Anxiety?

Experts suggest that consistent engagement in aerobic exercises has been proven to reduce overall tension levels, improve sleep quality, enhance self-confidence, and stabilize mood. Examples of aerobic exercises include swimming, dancing, brisk walking, and running.


How Do You Relax Your Mind?

Relaxing your mind can be achieved through these simple ways:

  • Do deep breathing exercises.
  • Listen to calming music.
  • Have a warm bath in the tub.
  • Try mindful meditation, as its goal is to concentrate on being in the present moment.
  • Express your feelings through writing.


Why Do People Get Anxious?

Anxiety can result from a range of factors – genetics, stress, environmental causes, traumatic experiences, or brain chemistry. Severe anxiety may also result from a buildup of smaller stressful events like workplace issues, death of a loved one, or financial problems.


What Is The Root Cause Of Overthinking?

Overthinking is not uncommon and may result from self-confidence issues, worries about making the same mistakes related to negative past experiences, or anxiety. Overthinking makes it difficult to achieve happiness and can affect sleep patterns and emotional regulation.




Finding Help

If you cannot stop worrying or suspect that you are developing an anxiety disorder, it is most likely that you need to find help. Identifying anxiety is frequently hard, as the symptoms gradually become more common as time goes by. Occasional anxiety is also typical, although chronic feelings of fear, despair, and worry aren’t. They are indications that you may require professional help.

During the consult, begin the discussion by talking with your physician. He will do a physical examination, perform a health history, and explain your symptoms. He does this to rule out any potential physical problems that might be causing the problems.

From there, the physician may opt first to treat your anxiety with medications. He may also forward you to a specialist – a psychiatrist or psychologist. These professionals can administer a combination of medication and talk therapy to help you manage your anxiety and prevent anxiety triggers.

What Triggers Anxiety?

Can Bananas Help Anxiety?

What Foods Help Anxiety?

What Can Make Anxiety Worse?

Is Coffee Good For Anxiety?


Infertility Health Issues

Well, I bet a lot of people will agree with me that these ideologies are way too stupid. That is because there are many reasons why some women can’t have babies, and one of them is male and female infertility issues.


Understandably, the essence of being a woman is to give birth. But what if she does not want to bear one? Will that mean a woman will not be qualified to become a better person just because she doesn’t desire to have a child? Does her decision in life validate her actions and support the incapability of becoming a mother? Is she not allowed to become the best of herself just because society believes that her primary purpose in life is to grow a kid inside of her fallopian tube down to her uterus?

It Is Not That They Don’t Want It

Some women are infertile, and that is a fact. They can’t have a baby not because they do not want to but because they can’t. Apparently, it is not their fault that something is wrong with their uterus and fallopian tubes or baby-processing organs. There are too many aspects that can impact their ability to have one. For instance, there is stress, chronic health issues, psychological issues, physical inabilities, etc. Thus, to assume that a woman who does not have a kid automatically denies having one is entirely insulting.

Other people’s assumption about these women’s “supposed” loss is below the belt. It causes different anxiety and depression levels because it gets supported by humiliation, insults, and judgment. Thus, it is essential to understand that these infertile women’s inability to bear a child often does not connect with their desire of not wanting kids. Instead, it has something to do with their ovulation difficulty, irregular hormonal balance, and reproductive health malfunction.


It Is Never Really Society’s Concern

Infertility is now becoming a big deal for a lot of women because society somehow makes it look like a complete health issue. People think that when a woman can’t bear a child, she does not have a sense of purpose anymore. Fertility issue creates mental and emotional pressure for a woman who only wants to enjoy life the way she wants. But since society has a lot of something to say about these women, living happily becomes impossible.

It is as if these infertile women always need to explain themselves to everyone and convince people thoroughly that life is equally okay for them, even without a child on their side. To be honest, it is never society’s concern whether some women want to bear a child or not, or at least if they can or cannot. Society should not mark what women should and shouldn’t choose to do because it only results in negative assumptions. It may result in these women becoming mentally and emotionally ill, which can strain and affect their relationships with others.


It Is Their Choice, For Christ’s Sake

Yes, some women may desire to have a lot of children because they are capable of popping these babies out. So whether they want to have three, four, five, or ten, it does not matter. It is their life, and they understand the consequences of their actions. But for those who are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit but still consider not wanting to have a baby, people better leave them alone. It is not a serious violation not to want children. And as long as abortion is out of the picture, every woman who does not want to have kids have the right to choose what they think is best for them.

We do not know what their life struggles are, and we can’t force them to embrace the idea of motherhood. That is especially if they somehow experience a traumatic life event that made them close their doors toward pregnancy, may it be sexually transmitted disease damage or sexually transmitted infections, low sperm production or damaged sperm count, transmitted infections in the fallopian tube due to unprotected sex, etc. Anything that can make a woman not want to have kids or struggle with her fertility problems should not be questioned by anyone. Overall, it is their body’s conditions that affect fertility that they will probably have to deal with for the rest of their lives. Thus, we need to back off.


The Dogma of A Woman’s Infertility Issue

We need to remember that an infertility issue can be overcome with proper care and medication with reproductive medicine, infertility treatment, fertility treatments, healthcare approach, and surgical operations or assisted reproductive technology art. In fact, corrective measures can promise a lot of women a high chance of hope of becoming a mother. It is vital to note that though others see primary infertility as a legal basis and social role for disability, it is not everyone’s concern. Therefore, at any cost, people should not contribute to the emotional and mental struggle of these infertile women just because of their primary ovarian insufficiency.

Humanity has gone through many things, and technology and education played a role in their evolution. In this present era, women are considered more than just the purpose of baby-popping individuals. They are what we all know as the voice of hope, peace, and unity. To undermine each of them just because they can’t bear a child is disrespectful and entirely immature. Let us all be mindful and wholeheartedly understand that every woman fights her own physical, emotional, mental, and home health battles and even this female reproductive system problem. Everyone needs more sympathy rather than criticism.

Frequently Asked Questions About Infertility

What are the most common infertility problems?

What causes an infertility problems?

What are 3 issues that can cause infertility in females?

What are the 4 causes of female infertility?

How do I know if I am infertile?

Who is more prone to infertility?

Can infertility be cured?

How do you test if a woman is infertile?

What are the types of infertility?

What are 3 ways to prevent infertility?

What is the best way to treat infertility?

How can I overcome infertility problems?

How common is infertility?

Is infertility genetic?

Can I have a baby if I’m infertile?


Infertility Affects My Marriage And Family

It has been six years since my husband and I got married. I can say that we are happy and contented with our lives right now. We have a wonderful house, we both have permanent jobs, and we have a lot of social connection. However, despite those positive things we are thankful for, we still lack something that every married couple wishes to have – children. When we think about it, it makes us both mentally and emotionally unstable.


Dealing With The Struggle

The reason why my husband and I do not have children is because of my damaged fallopian tubes. I got diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Unfortunately, the condition already damaged the fallopian tubes severely. It left a scared tissue that seems very complicated to remove. The doctor said while we need to stay positive, we also have to prepare ourselves to accept that we might not have kids anymore. Honestly, that statement can bring any woman into a meltdown. And just like any other woman with the same condition, it led me to anxiety and depression.

The doctor explained that the PID was caused by an infection from getting something like chlamydia and gonorrhea. However, it is not limited to sexually transmitted diseases. There are cases when normal bacteria in the vagina travel into a woman’s reproductive organs, where it eventually causes the disease. The doctor asked me questions if ever I experienced anything unusual with my physical health. Honestly, there is none. I told the medical expert that I was not able to experience any signs and symptoms of PID. Apparently, it is common for some women to be asymptomatic. Nevertheless, I am not happy with that.


 So since I was not aware of my condition back then, I did not even consider consulting a doctor. Little did I know that the infection grew every day. And for the last couple of years, it became something that I want to get rid of today. I get that it is no one’s fault. But sadly, I can’t help but blame myself for not taking extra care of my reproductive health.

Relationship Issues

For my husband, it is pretty much not a big deal. But for both sides of our family, it seemed like it was everything. Honestly, I cannot blame them at all. After marriage, they were expecting us to deliver the news of pregnancy. But after a couple of years, we are still silent on our progress while other family members are pretty much on constant reproduction. I may sound a little bitter here. But I could not contain the emotional torture this infertility has caused me. It sucks because it felt like it has become the reason for our family’s poorly chosen treatment and relationship towards us.


I may tell everyone that I am not affected, but that is a lie. The truth is, everything about this infertility issue is killing me inside. I feel like there is no hope for me. And every time nature tends to add years to my life, I become more depressed and obsessed about having a baby. Sometimes, with all the mental illness acting up, I somehow wished just to disappear. People keep asking me when I am going to have a kid of my own. In weird moments, they think that popping babies out of a vagina is somewhat a contest. That the more a woman can deliver, the more she is capable of becoming a mother. I mean, seriously?

I understand how both our families feel about our infertility situation. But I also recognize that not all of them are genuinely concern about us. Some of their presence only wanted us to feel sorry about ourselves because we can’t form life instantly. Some criticized our capabilities, while others believed it was a curse. Honestly, as much as I tell them, “I don’t care,” it still hurts. All the pressure these people are putting me and my husband is something we know we don’t deserve. It is not what we need right now and nor will we need ever. If they genuinely cared for us, they would not make us feel hopeless and unworthy.


Feelings And Thoughts

I know the challenges are not easy. And with all the mental and emotional pressure that other people contribute to our health, our struggle will not always be the same. There is no guarantee as to where my husband and I can have a baby. But if ever, we hope to live peacefully together even without one. It is a sad realization, but I don’t look forward to it. Of course, I would still want to have a family of my own and raise children. But right now, all I can do is pray to God that one day He will answer.